LeadBridge appsumo lifetime deal [$39] – All in one integration tool for marketers

LeadBridge appsumo lifetime deal
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LeadBridge appsumo lifetime deal

Manually translating leads to various marketing tools is tedious, but it is more likely to error. Might there be a system to streamline the whole process with just a single tool? Get leadsBridge appsumo lifetime deal is only $39.00 this offer is limited time, so don’t miss this offer.

LeadBridge is a new integrative marketing tool that allows users to connect with major advertising platforms, such as Google AdWords, Facebook Ads, and Amazon Ads. With this tool, users can automatically move new leads across their marketing tools for better lead management.

Hey, Friends? I’m Surashi from bestsowftware.com, where you can read my product reviews and LeadBridge appsumo lifetime deals and find posts with some facts about digital products.

What is LeadBridge? 

LeadsBridge is an all-in-one integration tool for marketers who want to take their digital efforts to the next level. It allows you to seamlessly move new leads from your digital platforms to your most popular marketing tools. It can even work alongside your existing marketing tools to ensure you’re getting the most out of every click! LeadsBridge currently integrates with the top advertising platforms, including Facebook, Google, Instagram, etc. 

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How to work LeadBridge

LeadsBridge allows you to mechanically upload your sales data across marketing tools directly without having to manually input any spreadsheets. It’sIt’s also possible to move data throughout your marketing funnel in real-time and reach out to qualified leads as soon as they interact with your ads. Skip the tedious work to spend more time with your leads in your sales funnel.

LeadBridge appsumo lifetime deal

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

You can make connections between different platforms to quickly move data. Choose the device whose data you are to transfer and choose the destination to which you must exchange information via the Field Mapping feature.

When you are ready, you can activate your new bridge in one click! Best of all, LeadsBridge will continue to migrate your new leads, allowing you to focus on connecting with potential customers.

LeadsBridge partners with Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, and TikTok to offer you the most readily available lead generation solutions.

You can divide up your funnels into multiple tabs and examine them without having to switch between different menus. You can also upload your leads to 380 tools that integrate with the platform.

The LeadsBridge dashboard enables you to view your incoming leads, which were generated from your campaigns and transferred across platforms.

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

Keep your data to yourself.

LeadsBridge is designed -by design to be 100% secure. We will never store or use lead data for any purpose. Our platform is completely GDPR and CCPA compliant. We have top security standards and undergo regular penetration testing by independent third parties.

No Data Storing: Leadsbridge to make sure that your lead information remains private. At no point will Leadsbridge ever retain any of your lead data.

Data privacy compliant: GDPR, PCI, Facebook, Google, and LinkedIn compliant. See why businesses big and small choose to work with LeadsBridge. Get a trusting partner who emphasizes regulations and privacy laws.

Frequent security audits: LeadsBridge securely stores customer information. It undergoes regular penetration tests and adheres to best security practices.

Consent-based marketing: Consent-based marketing is designed to be the most scalable, efficient, and safest customer acquisition method.

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

Solutions by industry

LeadBridge appsumo lifetime deal

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

Agencies Business: The global lead industry relies on LeadsBridge’sLeadsBridge’s software to improve the outcomes of lead management agencies’ campaigns, allowing them to access more accurate data for their clients.

Ecommerce business: LeadBridge enables you to keep track of your marketing and advertising automation tools. LeadsBridge also optimizes your ad campaigns and increases conversions.

Retail Marketing: LeadsBridge allows you to easily connect your management and data collection tools and bring your online sales into the real world for retargeting and tracking results even when the sales take place offline.

Financial Services: Lead generation solutions for financial advisors. LeadsBridge comes with 380 integrations that allow you to start acquiring leads immediately without relying on normal word-of-mouth marketing.

Real estate: LeadsBridge allows you to synchronize your email marketing software and CRM to your real estate marketing platform to get in touch with your most likely buyers.

Education lead generations: LeadsBridge helps universities streamline student acquisition, data access, and marketing with 380 integrations.

Automotive lead generations: LeadsBridge is perfect for auto dealership lead management strategies. With our 380 integrations, you can generate qualified leads, promptly get in touch with your customers, and get the most out of your ad campaigns.

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

LeadsBridge top partners

Through these integrations, LeadsBridge offers customers a unique set of features; LeadsBridge always stays up-to-date with the most current insights; LeadsBridge can rely on direct assistance from their business partners.

  • Google
  • Facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Tiktalk

Platform partners

Automation has proven so simple thanks to leadsBridge technical partnerships. We’re able to easily integrate with the very best CRMs, email marketing tools, autoresponder software, and other marketing tools on the market. Explore the choices available to you to see which of your chosen tools we can link together.

LeadBridge appsumo lifetime deal

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

  • Oracle
  • Salesforce
  • ActiveCampaign
  • HubSpot
  • Adobe
  • Zoho

Connect, Automate, and Sync automates, integrates, and synchronizes connections with over 380 tools.

Get lifetime deal access to LeadsBridge today!

Why should you buy it?

If you’re an agency looking for Sales Funnel Software that can automate lead data transfers between tools to help improve the efficiency of your sales team, LeadsBridge for Enterprise might just be what you are looking for.

LeadsBridge pricing and plan

LeadsBridge has three simple plans: Free, Pro & Business

Which one of these would be best for you? Choose this plan best for you.

Free plan: The hosts’ pages are automatically moved in real-time, for free.

  • 100 leads/m
  • 1 Bridge
  • Real-time Sync
  • GDPR & CCPA compliant
  • Facebook Lead Ads
  • Instagram Lead Ads
  • Google Ads forms
  • YouTube Ads forms
  • LinkedIn Gen Forms
  • TikTok Lead Generation
  • 300+ CRM integrations
  • Unlimited Ad Accounts
  • Auto failure and resync
  • Alerting and debugging
  • Help center

Pro plan: When you automate the process of relocating followers, targeting, and re-engaging your audience, your sales will increase significantly.

  • Up to 300,000 leads/mo
  • Up to 500 Bridges
  • Real-time Sync
  • GDPR & CCPA compliant
  • All included in the Free plan
  • Facebook Audiences
  • Facebook Conversions
  • Google Customer Match
  • LinkedIn Audiences
  • Automotive CRMs
  • Email Receipt
  • Mindbody
  • SMS integrations
  • Devs tools
  • Filtering and formulas
  • Email and Zoom support

Business plan: Choose our managed service for a completely customized solution.

  • Custom lead volumes
  • Unlimited Bridges
  • Real-time Sync
  • GDPR & CCPA compliant
  • All included in the Pro plan
  • Tailor-made Integrations
  • 1-1 onboarding session
  • Unlimited users
  • SAML single sign on (SSO)
  • Multi-Factor Authentication
  • Facebook CAPI Gateway
  • Dynamic Retargeting integrations
  • Dedicated CSM
  • VIP Support
  • SLA support
  • Solution Engineer support
  • Vendor Security Assessment

If you are an action taker, you may want to get an appsumo lifetime deal. The deal will cost only $39.00

Appsumo lifetime deal

LeadsBridge appsumo lifetime deal $59.00

LeadsBridge enables you to transfer lead information among your marketing tools and advertising platforms in just three steps. Do less time-consuming work and more work.

Get LeadsBridge lifetime deal on appsumo one-time purchase of $39 $348.00

  • Lifetime access to LeadsBridge
  • All future Startup Plan updates
  • 400 leads per month
  • Ten multi-users
  • Two bridges
  • Unlimited ad accounts
  • 300+ integrations
  • Facebook and Instagram lead ads
  • LinkedIn lead generation
  • Google ads
  • YouTube lead form extensions
  • TikTok lead generation
  • Auto-failure resync
  • Alerting and debugging

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

Get an Extra 10% Off Leadsbridge Lifetime Deal on Appsumo $99.00 

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Follow the instruction below and get an extra 10% discount (new users only)

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

  • Visit the “LeadsBridge Lifetime access AppSumo” deal page.
  • Wait for a few seconds. A Discount popup will appear.
  • Enter your Email to receive the exclusive discount.
  • Continue with the same email id.
  • Get a $10 discount at the end.
  • Discount valid for new users only.

In conclusion, 

LeadsBridge is an impressive tool that integrates with many of the leading advertising platforms. By automatically moving new leads across your marketing tools, you can streamline your process and improve your results. If you’re looking for an all-in-one solution to managing your leads, LeadsBridge is definitely worth considering.

leadsBridge Lifetime Access

Note: If you’re looking to purchase a product from the appsumo, most likely, your order will be out of stock within a week. So grab it now if you need it.

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