Answerly Lifetime Deal [$49] – Appsumo Exclusive Offer

Answerly lifetime deal
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If you’re interested in learning more about the Answerly Lifetime Deal and Review, you’ve found the perfect source. AppSumo recently launched an exclusive offer for the Answerly Lifetime Deal with a significant price reduction, and in this article, we will provide comprehensive information about the Answerly lifetime deal. We will discuss the specifics of the Answerly lifetime deal, its included features, and our assessment of its value. By the conclusion of this post, you will possess all the necessary knowledge regarding the Answerly Lifetime Deal to make an informed decision about its suitability for your needs.

What is Answerly?

Answerly is an advanced machine learning algorithm and natural language processing capabilities, Answerly is designed to understand and adapt to the unique needs of your business. It can analyze customer queries, detect patterns, and generate personalized responses that align with your brand voice. Answerly operates round-the-clock, ensuring that your customers receive prompt assistance at any time of the day or night. Whether a simple inquiry or a complex issue, the chatbot can handle many customer interactions efficiently.

Best For:

  • Customer support
  • Marketing agencies
  • SaaS

Alternative to

  • HelpScout
  • Intercom
  • Zendesk

Meet Answerly lifetime deal on Appsumo

Answerly enables users to train their AI chatbot using various data sources, resulting in a knowledgeable virtual assistant capable of addressing any customer support inquiry.

24/7 Customer Support For your Business

Answerly is an AI-powered chatbot that is designed to transform the way you interact with your clients.

Answerly lifetime deal

Use this AI-powered live chat widget to analyze your business and provide instant customer support 24/7

Answerly Lifetime Deal Features

Import Knowledge Base

You can fine-tune your chatbot by importing existing data or information that you have gathered from the Knowledge base to The knowledge Hub..

Import Docs/PDF

Upload and extract important information from your documents or PDFs, and then use it to train your chatbot within Knowledge Hub. Knowledge Hub.

Knowledge Hub

Knowledge Hub acts as an AI brain in which you can make and manage the content you create about your company for chatbots to use to provide accurate responses..

Contact Form

A feature within the chatbot that lets chatbot users direct you to the inbox of your email ..

Answers with pictures

Visions allow chatbots to offer more interactive and fun responses by including relevant images in the answers..

Answers with Links

Link References enable Answerly’s AI assistant to include relevant web sites into the answers it creates for users.

Widget Customization

Modify the appearance and experience of your chatbot including its position and dimensions, width, shadow and more to blend seamlessly with your website’s style..

Assistant Customziation

You can personalize the AI assistant’s identity, including the name and the personality to improve interactions with users and create brand coherence.

Discover Content

Evaluates the existing Knowledge Hub and generates new questions that chatbots might have trouble with, which will help increase its knowledge.

Link Sharing

Give access to your chatbot via a direct-link, which allows interactions with your users, without the need to place it in a web page.

QR Code Sharing

Create a direct link for your chatbot by scanning a QR code. This will allow users to interact with your chatbot without having it embedded in a web page.

Workspace collaboration

Create a group with members, invite them to join, and then work in a team to manage and enhance the efficiency that your chatbot is able to provide.


Improve your online presence by using Answerly’s CNAME feature. It allows you to customize the domain for your Chatbot hyperlinks.


Make sure you control your widget’s capabilities by using webhooks. This lets you initiate custom actions based on certain occasions.

Chatbot SDK

Modify the widget to meet your individual needs. You can unlock endless possibilities using Answerly’s SDK.

Instant Embed

It is easy to quickly and easily integrate the one, or possibly more Answerly chatbot widgets onto your site.

Answerly Lifetime deal on Appsumo $49

Despite what most people think, having a team member who knows everything would be extremely beneficial. That’s why Answerly allows you to educate your AI chatbot, easily update it with important information as needed, and pinpoint areas where knowledge is lacking for exceptional customer service around the clock. Provide your customers with accurate answers. Obtain Answerly lifetime deal access today now!

Answerly Appsumo all features:

  • Lifetime access to Answerly
  • All future Pro Plan updates
  • All widget settings
  • No Answerly branding
  • 60 day money-back guarantee.

Answerly Appsumo pricing below: 

License Tier 1

$ 49 One Time Purchase of
  • All features above included
  • 1 chatbot(s)
  • 1 knowledge hub(s)
  • 1 seat(s)
  • 1 connected domain(s)
  • 1 month conversation history
  • 10 crawled webpages per import
  • 20 knowledge hub content amount
  • ***
  • ***

License Tier 2

$ 119 One Time Purchase of
  • All features above included
  • 2 chatbot(s)
  • 2 knowledge hub(s)
  • 2 seat(s)
  • 2 connected domain(s)
  • 1 month conversation history
  • 50 crawled webpages per import
  • 30 knowledge hub content amount
  • Import Google Docs and PDFs
  • ***

License Tier 3

$ 215 One Time Purchase of
  • All features above included
  • 5 chatbot(s)
  • 5 knowledge hub(s)
  • 5 knowledge hub(s)
  • 5 seat(s)
  • 5 connected domain(s)
  • 6 months conversation history
  • 100 crawled webpages per import
  • Import Google Docs and PDFs
  • knowledge hub discover

Enjoy an Extra 10% Off Answerly Lifetime Deal. 

Appsumo 10% off

Follow the instruction below and get an extra 10% discount (new users only)

  • Visit the “Answerly Lifetime deal” Appsumo page.
  • Wait for a few seconds. A Discount popup will appear.
  • Enter your Email to receive the exclusive discount.
  • Continue with the same email id.
  • Get a $10 discount at the end
  • Discount valid for new users only.

Final Thought

Answerly is revolutionizing customer service with its AI chatbot technology. Learning your entire business and generating dynamic, human-like replies offers a seamless and efficient customer experience 24/7. With its ability to handle multiple inquiries simultaneously, Answerly saves time for businesses and customers. Whether answering frequently asked questions or resolving complex issues, Answerly provides accurate and personalized responses. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to enhance your customer service with Answerly’s innovative AI chatbot – Try it today and see the difference it can make in your business!

Join Appsumo Plus: With Appsumo Plus membership, you can save more money and grow your business faster in the most affordable manner. 

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Note: If you’re looking to purchase a product from Appumo, most of the time, the lifetime deal offer will be out of stock within a week. Get the Answerly lifetime deal on Appsumo. Grab it now if you need it. See all lifetime deal offer.


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